Click on the links to download the files. Communicating With The Donor Communication ppt
Continue readingWhen Money Goes On Mission
Build high-trust ministry partnerships that are effective and joy-filled We’ve all seen fundraising and giving done poorly, but how do we get it right? Rob Martin was a grant maker for over twenty years and has been in and around the world of funding for a long time. He shares all that he’s learned about fundraising and giving in today’s world, the do’s and don’t, and how it can be a mutual blessing to all parties involved. He will teach you: how the paradigm of giving is changing in the 21st century how to craft a vision that donors will […]
Continue readingFundraising Course Materials
These are PowerPoints and participant handouts developed for a course led by PKD Lee. Click on a link to download the file. Handouts Stewardship Accountability Fundraising Strategies in Fund Raising
Continue readingSynergy Commons Webinar – Fundraising For Network Leaders
In this 90 minute webinar, Kehinde Ojo and Barbara Shantz, Catalysts with the Lausanne Ministry Fundraising Network, encourage network leaders to take a biblical approach to fundraising. They show how these biblical principles can help networks overcome four common network fundraising challenges. Participants will leave with practical strategies that can improve their funding efforts.
Continue readingGenerosity – It’s Not About Money But Attitude
In today’s individualistic world the concept of generosity as an essential part of our response to Jesus has been lost. Salvation is considered an individual undertaking having no bearing on the way we relate to the people around us. Even evangelism and social action are often a legalistic response to the Great Commission and the parable of the sheep and goats (Matt 25:31ff) rather than an outflow of a deep generous urge within us. However, this is not what the Bible teaches. Download the book to read more.
Continue readingGrowing Givers’ Hearts
Here for the first time is a truly spiritual way of looking at fundraising as an opportunity to nurture current and prospective donors and facilitate their growth in faith. Growing Givers’ Hearts explores how development staff, executives, and board members from across the theological spectrum can make faith-building opportunities for donors their first priority; act on their confidence in God’s abundance; draw from their theological tradition in their approach to fundraising; involve a vital cross-section of staff in planning; and cultivate spiritually mature leadership. With this innovative approach, Growing Givers’ Hearts empowers readers to work in spiritually grounded, deeply creative, […]
Continue readingThe Generosity Network
The Generosity Network is the essential guide to the art of activating resources of every kind behind any worthy cause. Philanthropist Jeff Walker and fund-raising expert Jennifer McCrea offer a fresh new perspective that can make the toughest challenges of nonprofit management and development less stressful, more rewarding—and even fun. Walker and McCrea show how traditional pre-scripted, money-centered, goal-oriented fund-raising techniques lead to anxiety and failure, while open-spirited, curiosity-driven, person-to-person connections lead to discovery, growth—and often amazing results. Through engrossing personal stories, a wealth of innovative suggestions, and inspiring examples, they show nonprofit leaders how to build a community of engaged partners who share […]
Continue readingArt of Fundraising
This is a book on the how of fund raising for religious causes based on the Bible and P.K.D. Lee’s reading on the topic and his experience on fund raising in India. It gives an Indian perspective.
Continue readingFunding the Family Business
A book for anyone raising financial support from their own network of contacts to fulfil a call of God into some form of Christian ministry, Funding the Family Business is a mine of information and real life stories based on the author’s many years of experience in support raising. Designed as an easy–to–carry workbook, it is packed with stories, insight and teaching that will inspire, inform and guide you in your ministry journey. It looks at the biblical principles of giving and receiving, the stages of the giving process, considers the pitfalls and barriers to financial support–raising and gives practical […]
Continue readingFunding Kingdom Work By Building Financial Capacity in New Sending Contexts
As the locus of missionary-sending countries is transitioning to the Majority World, there is a pressing need to find avenues to fund those called to work in ministry in ways that will raise needed resources while still engaging local support and ownership. Wycliffe’s “Matching Funds Experiment” has produced some intriguing results for the global Church to consider. The experiment had two components. The first encompassed the sending of three consultants from various countries to do partnership development training for colleagues in three other countries. Our hope was to equip people to more effectively raise funds in their own contexts. How […]
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