Faith & Finances

This course offers relevant content for all students regardless of their stage of life. It serves all educational levels: certificate (weekend retreat), undergraduate (two-day seminar), graduate (two-weekend course), and doctoral (one-week intensive). Because God’s Word has much to say about money, the Scriptures provide the primary content. Also, as God owns everything, the concept of stewardship frames the discussions and the assignments.The course contains twelve modules in four units. God’s Word on Financial Management The Three Primary Uses of Money Financial Skills of Faithful Stewards Best Practices for Marriage, Family, and Ministry The course and the videos are free to […]

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Faith Reliance : Fundraising

I love the little book by Henri Nouwen about spiritual fundraising. In it is found this statement: “We must not let ourselves be tricked into thinking that fund-raising is only a secular activity. As a form of ministry, fund-raising is as spiritual as giving a sermon, entering a time of prayer, visiting the sick, or feeding the hungry.” Luke 8:1-3

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Faith Reliance : Stewardship of Resources & Accountability

Neither the word “stewardship” nor the word “accountability” seems very exciting until it is not used – then things get VERY exciting. It’s like maintenance on a bicycle. The useful thing about a bicycle is that it gets us from one place to another. But if a bicycle is not regularly maintained, with the right resources used for the job, the bicycle… 1 Peter 4:10-11, Ecclesiastes 4:1-16

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Faith Reliance : Generosity

Is everyone required to give? What about the poor? Surely they are excused from giving when there are so many wealthy people who could give an extra share? Isn’t the expectation different for people in different situations? 1 Chronicles 29:14-17, Mark 12:41-44

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What is Biblical Fundraising

When was the last time you saw a dirt-mover build anything?  Let’s not be dirt movers, simply trying to get a donor/church to ‘buy’ into funding a lot of dirt-moving.  Share the vision and do it often (vision leaks).  Help get them personally involved. Help each person you talk to see how they are building God’s Kingdom – and investing in something that will last forever… Download the document to read the rest of the article

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Planning for year-end fundraising success

For many donors, the end of the year is the time when they show their support for the causes they are passionate about. One practical reason is to take advantage of charitable tax breaks. Another is that the holiday season often triggers thoughts of giving and altruism. Whatever the reason, end of year is your best opportunity to reach out and attract donations. In fact, studies show that 40%-70% of donations come in at year end. Even more remarkable is that up to 22% are raised on the last two days of the year. Unfortunately, many nonprofits aren’t taking advantage of […]

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