Cultural tolerance and equality are high values in Canadian culture.[1] So even though I enjoy hearing from other cultures, I’ve had my head turned time and again through the excellent coaching of the international voices that make up the Ministry Fundraising Network (MFN). I find their “new-to-me” inspirations from the Scriptures refreshing and their views on giving and fundraising capable of breathing new life into my work in the ministry of fundraising.
Being connected to the MFN continuously reminds me that the Gospel is in great hands in much of our world today and we need to give public voice to the diversity that exists in the Body of Christ. While the resources of “Western voices” can also be new and refreshing, I love to hear from those who may not have such easy access to publishing.
To get a taste of this gourmet buffet, check out some of the resources on this Ministry Fundraising Network web site and from those on the Lausanne Movement’s web site.
I’ll never forget hearing India’s Prem Kumar D. Lee speak on the generosity of both Abraham and Isaac as they prepared for sacrifice and what that should mean to me. (See PKD Lee’s bio and available resources on this web site)
And then there’s the UK’s Dr. Chris Wright in his supplement to John Stott’s, The Grace of Giving (now also includes Dr. Wright’s, The Gift of Accountability.3) In commenting on Romans 15:25-29 he quotes Jason Hood,
“The collection [for the poor in Jerusalem] was so vital that its delivery was at that moment a more urgent matter for Paul than his desire to evangelize and plant churches on the missionary frontier.”
Let’s face it; ministry fundraising efforts can start to look very similar. But it’s a brand new challenge to see the need for cultural adaptation in order to provide global and sustainable funding for God’s mission in the future.
Enjoy this web site and submit new work to keep God’s diversity evident to all!