
Prem began his career as a Mechanical Engineer in the Indian Railways where he worked in various capacities for 20 years. Took an early retirement while on deputation to Ministry of Finance working as General Manager of the Indian Government Mint at Kolkata.

Worked for 20 years with Haggai Institute in the Alumni Relations Department which later became the International Advancement department. Travelled to 80 countries in developing the work of Haggai Institute as Vice President. The work involved motivating alumni to replicate Haggai Institute in their own countries, and select suitable candidates for the International training. Was given the Christian Statesmanship Award for the work he has done with Haggai Institute.

Has specialized in Christian Leadership and has taught that subject for 20 years with Haggai Institute. Has also been teaching on Christian Stewardship or our responsibility before God for the right usage of resources. Has also been teaching on Biblical Fund Raising for ministry. Is involved in teaching Generosity as an essential response to the gospel, which is his present passion.

He has volunteered as a faculty with The Association for Theological Education by Extension in India for over 30 years and continues to teach at various levels with them.

He is now 71 years old and retired and lives in Chennai with his wife Lalitha of 44 years.

Worships with the Powerhouse Church, Tambaram.

Educational Qualifications: A.M.I.E. (India) Elec., Institution of Engineers London (Mech) B.T.S. (TAFTEE) B.D. Serampore P.G. Diploma Applied Theology (Oxford) M.Th. (Taftee)

Publications: History of Coin Making in India, Add to your faith excellence (Biblical Leadership), Be Rich in Good Works (Biblical Stewardship), Genesis Comes Home, Leadership through serving, Have your King (On 1 and 2 Samuel), Art of Fund Raising, What Leaders Do, He Leadeth Me (On Exodus)

Posts by Prem Kumar D Lee:

Communicating With The Donor

Posted on: 17 Feb 2020

Communication is the central activity of fund raising. It is the means we use to educate and help the donor to develop a clear vision for himself. There are many methods of communication that the fund raiser can use and the content of the communication depends on the fund raising strategy being adopted. In India we are very idealistic in our fund raising and assume that people give because God is moving them and that we do not need to intervene and educate the donor. Frankly this is laziness. We need to minister, then only will funds come freely, as […]

Accountability and Communication

Posted on: 08 Oct 2018

Accountability is making the whole process of the organization open to scrutiny. Unfortunately, most people seem to think that accountability is having their accounts properly audited and submitted to the board of directors. I think we need to go beyond financial rectitude to proper accountability where confidence is built in the organization leading to greater confidence in giving to the organization. In fact, financial accountability only gives confidence that all expenses have proper bills and all the monies spent are accounted for. This gives no confidence in the organization or the expenses they incur. For example, if an expense of […]

Telling Your Story

Posted on: 20 Mar 2017

Fund Raising is all about telling our story in a manner that grips the people’s imagination. It needs to create excitement and thrill in the hearer. This obviously should not be manufactured, and needs to be a part of our organization. That means the same story needs to be with every member of the team so that they have the same excitement in all that they do. The organizations activity is not the story, nor are testimonies the story, but the pain of the people that is being addressed by the organization is the story. What is the specific suffering […]

Importance of Fund Raisers Being Leaders

Posted on: 21 Nov 2016

Fund Raisers are Leaders Often fund raisers have the wrong mindset to be effective for what God has called them to do. Instead of having the mindset of a leader they tend to have the mindset of a vendor selling a product. We need to change our mindset to that of a leader providing leadership to people. There are three approaches to fund raising, which I detail in my book “Art of Fund Raising”. One aims at the heart or the emotions of the donor and presents him a heart rending need faced by people and makes the appeal for funds. […]