
Mary Lederleitner currently serves in a dual role. She is a consultant on the leadership team of the Wycliffe Global Alliance. In that role she also regularly serves as a conference speaker and writer. She is author of the book Cross-Cultural Partnerships: Navigating the Complexities of Money and Mission published by InterVarsity Press.

Mary is also a researcher and adjunct professor with Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. She has created a course for Master of Divinity students to help prepare them for the financial responsibilities they will face in their ministries. She is also working on an initiative with more than sixty seminaries in North America to address the economic needs facing future ministers.

She is married to John Lederleitner and they live in the Chicago area.

Posts by Mary Lederleitner:

The Greatest Gift Of All

Posted on: 13 Dec 2019

How do we develop a heart of generosity, and how do we encourage others to live generous lives, when we live in a world that so often sends such loud messages that it’s wiser to keep resources for ourselves and for those closest to us? Our minds race with thoughts such as, “What if we will need that money or those resources later? Surely difficult days will arise in the future, if we are not in the midst of them now. Isn’t it smarter to keep that money, land or resource for ourselves and those we love?” True heartfelt generosity […]

Funding Kingdom Work In New Sending Contexts

Posted on: 09 Jan 2017

As the locus of missionary-sending countries is transitioning to the Majority World, there is a pressing need to find avenues to fund those called to work in ministry in ways that will raise needed resources while simultaneously engaging local support and ownership. Wycliffe’s “Matching Funds Experiment” has produced some intriguing results for the global Church to consider. The experiment had two components. The first encompassed the sending of three consultants from various countries to do partnership development training for colleagues in three other countries. Our hope was to equip people to more effectively raise funds in their own contexts. How […]