
Brenda's early worldview was strongly shaped by her parents' immigrant experience which instilled a strong work ethic as well as high values for education and financial stability. As she completed a study on the Biblical basis for fundraising to prepare to enter into vocational ministry, her paradigm shifted from feeling like she was asking for help to being compelled to invite people to partner in God's work in the lives of others. Her work in campus ministry, leadership development and training for ten years included coaching interns and young staff in personal fundraising. She has received training in fundraising from the Navigators, including from Scott Morton, author of "Funding your Ministry."

She spells her name in all lower case letters.

Posts by brenda wang:

Don’t Be So Logical

Posted on: 19 Jun 2017

“I’m a student.” “I don’t yet have a good job.” “I’ve got debt.” “I need to establish myself first.” “I have ____ to pay for and ____ to save for.” These are familiar and logical reasons people have for not giving financially to the church – both the institutional church and the broader work of God.  Logical, yes, but God isn’t logical.  In fact, the kingdom of God is very often the opposite of what we would expect. I want to draw our attention to an encounter Jesus has in Luke 12:13-21.  A man asks Jesus to tell the man’s […]