
Barbara was born in Canada to a first-generation immigrant family. She believes that biblical fundraising connects incarnational believers to generous giving of their influence, time, skills, and possessions toward the outreach efforts of an Acts 1:6-8 church. She has worked with nonprofits in well over 50 countries, now more often through on-line training and support in her advising business, Give Way Visioneering.

Barbara worked for TWR (Trans World Radio) from 1999 after learning corporate, volunteer, and event fundraising during employment at a city art gallery in Canada. She served as US Church Ministries Director, TWR Europe Director of Marketing and Development, and TWR’s Global Fund Development Strategist, working with TWR’s ministry leaders from around the world to encourage biblical generosity, stewardship, missions and local fundraising as they take the gospel to the whole world by mass media.

Barbara now represents The Gideons International in Canada|ShareWord Global in Canada's Maritimes and Quebec as a Global Development Officer. She has a BS in business administration with a concentration in International Business (Meredith College 2017) and an MA in Organizational and Global Leadership (York College 2019). Barbara and her husband, Steve, enjoy living in Maritime Canada near their two children and four grandchildren.

Posts by Barbara Shantz:

The Importance of Listening

Posted on: 20 May 2019

We have to be more interested in the donor than in their donation

God’s Responsibility vs Our Responsibility

Posted on: 13 May 2019

We try to have the right project in front of the right person at the right time, but the results we have to leave with God.

8 Fundraising Resolutions for 2019

Posted on: 19 Feb 2019

Wherever in the world you are reading this, take heart – your donors are waiting for you! 2019 is upon us and with it comes the annual challenges that we as fundraisers face every year, the challenge to fund more and deliver more for our respective causes. Fundraising is relentless but – wherever we live and wherever we fundraise and whatever cause we fundraise for – it doesn’t have to be daunting. Here are 8 principles that will help you manage your fundraising this year. There may be more, there will be others, but just pick those that fit with […]

Cultures, Giving and the Scriptures

Posted on: 29 Aug 2016

Cultural tolerance and equality are high values in Canadian culture.[1] So even though I enjoy hearing from other cultures, I’ve had my head turned time and again through the excellent coaching of the international voices that make up the Ministry Fundraising Network (MFN). I find their “new-to-me” inspirations from the Scriptures refreshing and their views on giving and fundraising capable of breathing new life into my work in the ministry of fundraising. Being connected to the MFN continuously reminds me that the Gospel is in great hands in much of our world today and we need to give public voice to […]