How Do You Know When The Holy Spirit Is With You In Your Fundraising?

Taste the fruit. My friend, Gary Hoag, says, “Inspect the fruit.” Good Idea, that. Who doesn’t flip an apple around before taking a bite? No one l know likes to sink their teeth into the squishy flesh of a rotten apple, especially when prepared for a crisp, clean, rewarding bite of heaven on a hot day.  What if Adam had averted his gaze from the comely look of his wife and really examined the apple? He was, after all, the first scientist. It was his job to, “Go differentiate- and name stuff.” (Genesis 1:28, 2:15) If he had just tested […]

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Appealing To Soul And Spirit

Fundraising, as we all know, refers to the process of creating content and communicating with an intent to convince the listener and get committed support for the work we represent. The “Call to Action” determines whether a fundraising communication will be effective or not. The action almost always begins with conviction before it shows out as a support. Let us see how we can effectively generate a cadre of supporters for the call of Christ upon the Church. Marketing evolution of Ministry Fundraising: Evangelical Marketing through electronic and social media, that was mostly a hit or miss campaign, has now […]

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