Three Battles Every Leader Must Win

Leadership is a journey along a path strewn with obstacles that challenge us to stop or retreat back to where we came. We must face and overcome them if we are to lead our people forward toward success.  Steward leaders engage in these ‘battles’ on behalf of their people.  Victory begins with us if it is to be experienced by the people we lead and the organizations we serve. In the spiritual realm the stakes in these battles are even higher as the enemy seeks to render us ineffective in our work. I will lift up three of these battles […]

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Generosity of Spirit – It’s the heart of great leaders

A generous spirit is more than just a mark of a great leader; it is the heart of a great leader. Without generosity of spirit, your life and leadership will leave an empty wake behind you instead of a rich legacy. In The Generosity Factor, S. Truett Cathy, Founder of Chick-Fil-A, and Ken Blanchard comment that the transformation of the heart requires us, “To move from success to significance, from wealth to generosity, from achievement to service, and from status to relationships.”[1]  But how does that transformation take place?  How do we cultivate true generosity of spirit?  We believe it […]

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How to win a giver

In the last blog, I explained that excellent fundraising is about winning donors, not just “getting the money” and I gave an example of a ministry leader who asked me for a big amount with a short deadline for a personal project. It was an “ask” that was out of alignment. Winning new donors is always a challenge. But with the right approach, you can do it and watch your donor base grow.  In over 30 years of ministry fundraising experience, I’ve learned a few basic principles that might be helpful to you. Get properly introduced and endorsed from credible […]

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