What is the Spiritual Condition of your Donor’s Heart

The book of Acts records the story of Simon the sorcerer, a man regarded by many to possess divine power. When Philip preached the kingdom of God in Samaria, Simon was dazzled by all the signs and miracles that he saw and followed Philip wherever he went. But his heart was not open to receiving the truth behind all those miracles. He could not accept the kingdom (lordship) of God. Later, when he observed Peter and John laying their hands on people to receive the Holy Spirit, he coveted that power for himself. So he did what he would naturally […]

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Make the Decision to Shift from Dependency to Discipleship

This blog post opens a big topic in short order. As others have written good books on aspects of this issue, I cite a few with the aim of starting an interdisciplinary and international conversation. Why? My aim is to wake the Church at large and major players in mission—whether they go, give, send, or serve—to make a paradigm shift that could shake the earth with global impact. There are three parts to this post. Firstly, we will consider a massive social problem that cross-border international programs and giving often unknowingly or inadvertently create. Let’s call it dependency. Secondly, we […]

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God – He Invites Generous Giving

‘And the Lord spoke to Moses’ is how the invitation to bring voluntary offerings is documented in the first story of Generosity in the Old Testament. We note this because it is important to remember that God takes the lead to invite generous offerings.  It is not Moses or the leaders of Israel that come up with the idea to ask for free will offerings. The story of generosity in Exodus is the first story in the Bible that documents generous giving. It is a story that provides richness in biblical principles that can be learned for ministries and churches […]

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When Your Fundraising Isn’t “Working”…

Writers who are “stuck” call it “writer’s block;” actors say that they’re “in a drought” and jazz musicians who suddenly can’t play well say that they’ve “lost their mojo.” Hockey players are “dusters” when they’re not asked to play in a game and other sports stars get “in a slump.” Every profession carries with it periods of non-action and even failure. Sometimes in the ministry of fundraising for God’s Kingdom, we take ourselves too seriously. Perhaps we began by envisioning that since we’re bringing in funds for Christ – of course, every day will be successful, right? When you find […]

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God, Covid and Fundraising

We will always remember 2020 as the year when the global pandemic put the world to a halt. Many of us did not realize the lockdown, community quarantine, and the limited physical movement would last this long. Many non-profit organizations were quick to move into online and digital platforms to continue their work. Others chose to slow down and even stopped many of their activities, not knowing what to do or what hit them. God, however, is not surprised by this pandemic and the world-wide change from normal to new normal. He is in sovereign control of everything and continues […]

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Discovering & Releasing Wells of Generosity in your Location

When we think of wells for the purpose of getting water, the immediate thoughts are of equipment and construction. However, when it comes to wells of generosity, God calls us to a change of approach. He invites us to think more of discovering wells rather than digging them, since He (The Almighty God) has dug the wells Himself! There is certainly a great need for resources, in order to advance God’s mission in your location and beyond. Many people in the global south however, believe that such resources should come from the West. God’s word points us in a different […]

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Six Things They Never Told Me About Christian Fundraising

“What’s so Christian about the way we are doing our fundraising?”  That question started me down the road of discovery some thirty years ago.  Along with my colleagues at the Ministry Fundraising Network, we are committed to answering this question that is true to Scripture and serves to advance the kingdom of God in all we do. In this pursuit, here are six ways that fundraising in God’s kingdom is a unique form of ministry. I pray they bless and challenge you in your fund development work. Abundance not Scarcity God has enough resources to fund the work he calls […]

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